Thursday, July 14, 2005

Harry Potter book 6

*Spoilers from book 5*

It's coming out this saturday, and as usual, there are plenty of rumors on who the person going to die is, who the Half Blood rince is...

Blah Blah Blah.

The usual pile of publicity to increase the hype of a book. It's almost similar to the last one, where Words and paragraphs from book 5 is going to be auctioned off. Also, as with the last book, the world will release it together at midnight London time (7am SGT).

While I did bother to get the 5th book when it was first released, I can't be bothered with this one. Book 5 was so disappointing, that I was wondering why I even spent time reading it. It isn't why Sirus died and stuff, but the book in general was so boring and draggy, I think it should have been writen in half of its size, but could deliver almost the same amount of quality.

Oh well. After using publicity and such, it will die down sooner or later, before the next book appears. Also coming soon is the 4th movie. I doubt I will even watch it, as the first 3 were utterly crap in a reader's point of view. If they cannot successfully squeeze a small book (450 pages or something) into a movie, what makes them think that they can squeeze a book of 1000 pages into a movie? I think they should be simply running through the world cup, and having 3 action scenes, where Harry is in the Tourney.

Sigh. Books--> Movie always sucks. Movie --> Books don't. Just look at Star Wars Novels. While there are some rubbish series (Black Fleet), there are some rather neat ones as well (X-wing series).

I hope the 6th book won't be that bad, or I might just burn it.


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